North Rim - Capes of the Canyon

North Rim Capes of the Canyon - Day 3 - Gunsight Point and Warm Springs Canyon
Night was the perfect temperature, but dawn in the desert wakens quickly. And with it I awake with open eyes to the pastels of sunlight-yet-come. I feel the fatigue of school once more in my bones. That, and the lack of consistent riding I had done this past spring. But my thirst to ride the route is strong. Nonetheless, I planned a zero day tomorrow after three days' riding to ensure no injury from overuse and to provide my rear the opportunity to condition to my saddle. Dawn comes on, and I need to bike to accrue miles before the sun brings temperatures in the 90s again.

North Rim Capes of the Canyon - Day 2 - Buckskin Mountains along Winter Road
Sleep can be such a harbinger of peace. I awoke in the early dawn of summer to cool conditions in the shaded valley of Coyote Canyon. It was 5:30 am, and I had slept hard all night. But I knew today was forecast to be in the upper 90s again and I wanted to get going before the scorch line of light lit up the place. I packed quietly enough, but Roland awoke as soon as he heard me head down to the pit toilets. He was out with his camera by the time I got back. I ate breakfast at the picnic table with him, quietly talking about the surroundings, and then looking out at the beauty. The sun breached rock walls - it was time to go. I walked my bike down to the Arizona National Scenic Trail sign where Roland and I took a series of portraits. They featured both him and myself standing with the bike. He gave me his card with personal contact information and asked me to reach out when I was done with the trip. I expressed my gratitude in return.

North Rim Capes of the Canyon - Day 1 - Vermilion Cliffs National Monument
The North Rim is simply my favorite place on Earth. I've had that deep-rooted scintillation for the place ever since Janna and I first stayed at Big Springs a decade ago and spent our time wandering the aspens and sinks of the Kaibab Plateau. There is no place on Earth more that I would rather spend time in than seated amongst the pines on a remote overlook gazing into the heart of the Grand Canyon on the North Rim's elevated landscape. And when we first rode bikes there, with a return almost immediately after we left, I knew it was THE place to dream of epic rides down hundreds of miles of unpaved roads that swirled through canyons, plateaus, and rugged outposts. After we moved to the Canyon five years ago, I set my heart and legs to the task of really riding the place more, which is where I strategized opportunities to see all the viewpoints of the Canyon.